A downloadable grimoire

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Ninth book in the Butoh Technomancy series, Sub/Urban Butoh Fu 3: Digital Phenomena introduces 40 new root words to the magickal constructed language vaibbahk (https://alleywurds.itch.io/vaibbahk). It includes glyphic, postural, and musical orthographies for these new roots.  

Sub/Urban Butoh Fu 3 opens with a ritual poem called Saibwahdz, written in glyphic form with postures for dance, and AI illustrations to aid visualization. Saibwahdz uses the water cycle of condensation, evaporation, and precipitation as a metaphor for cycles of emotional development. Watch the video form with chanted lyrics, vaibbahkian musical composition, and animated AI visualizations in the sidebar.

Sub/Urban Butoh Fu 3 has a full color 125 page choose your own adventure grimoire with a small ritual for each of the 40 roots, to help you learn the new roots experientially. It also has entries for using all 40 roots with Flower Mist: A Metadialectical RPG (https://alleywurds.itch.io/flower-mist), including a description of how each demon of the 40 new phenomena tend to act.

Also included are two digital flashcard decks. One of them is for learning the new roots, and one of them is for learning the new category words which enable to vaibbahk to produce more complex or nuanced sentences.

To use these decks you will need the free flashcard app called Anki (https://apps.ankiweb.net/). You can download the decks and import them within the app. 

You can purchase the book print on demand through amazon:   Sub/Urban Butoh Fu 3: Digital Phenomena https://a.co/d/7pNYB33

You can get a print on demand oracle deck of the root words presented in Sub/Urban Butoh 3 here: https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/vaibbahk-oracle-expansion:-sbf-3-digital-ph...

And the oracle cards for the first 84 roots are here: https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/vaibbahk-oracle-deck

A reference guide is also available combining all of the roots into one condensed book: https://alleywurds.itch.io/vaibbahk-reference-guide


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

SubUrban Butoh Fu 3 Digital Phenomena.pdf 344 MB
vaibbahk roots 3-20240516121412.apkg 7.6 MB
vb3 category words-20240516121358.apkg 1.3 MB

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